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Call now: 01717958596 | What is disinfection? And it’s necessary

Do you know what is disinfection? And preventive of enterprises is a complex process that requires the intervention of specialists, which is not recommended to be neglected and even dangerous. This is due to the fact that in addition to the objects of animate and inanimate nature visible to the human eye, we are surrounded by various microorganisms that are inaccessible to perception. However, these “invisible” have a serious impact on our lives, and therefore require a serious study by experts.

Definition of disinfection

Anyone cannot forget about the existence of various microorganisms that surround us in everyday life, at work, in public places. They are in the air, water, food, on the surfaces of objects, on the covers and mucous people and animals.

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Microorganisms are our constant satellites. Many of them – long since faithful helpers in everyday life, medicine, cooking … But there are those who are our worst enemies – these are pathogens, including those that cause dangerous infections caused by protozoa, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The results of their “activities” are epidemic outbreaks of viral respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal infections, dangerous hospital infections, which are the unfortunate reality of our days.

Disinfection methods

In order to protect one from pathogenic microorganisms pest control Dhaka, one should turn to professionals who will carry out a set of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, their toxins, and the elimination of conditions for their occurrence and transmission. Especially important is the regular production of preventive disinfection. There are various methods of disinfection, among which are:

  • Physical method;
  • Chemical method;
  • Biological method.

Physical method of disinfection

The physical method of disinfection consists of using various physical factors detrimental to germs. The most common method of physical disinfection using ultraviolet radiation. What is disinfection? And Chemical method is the most common and is to use solutions, vapors or gases that destroy the infection. The biological method of disinfecting premises is not widespread, but very promising. This method originated at the junction of such high-tech industries as genetic engineering and microbiology.

Safe disinfectant

Only a well-chosen method, optimal and safe mode of disinfection works, as well as a disinfectant wiki, can prevent unpleasant and often tragic cases of infectious diseases. In NPRO Agro on, the problems of disinfection of premises are solved by qualified epidemiologists with extensive experience in the most difficult situations, such as the fight against especially dangerous infections in armed conflicts. The material and technical base of the NPIC Agro on allows processing of any objects: from small cafes to large-scale disinfection of food industry enterprises.

Facilities service center

For facilities located in Dhaka, disinfectologists of our company will calculate the need for disinfectants, develop the optimal disinfection scheme for a particular enterprise, and design the “Recordkeeping books, disinfectant consumption and disinfection treatments for the facility”. All used disinfectants have a complete set of necessary sanitary-licensing documentation, are safe when used in accordance with the instructions attached to them. NPIC Agro on provides the following services:

  • Preventive disinfection of enterprises and other objects of various categories;
  • Calculation of the need for disinfectants and the design of the “Books of receipt, consumption of disinfectants and disinfection treatments for preventive purposes at the facility”;
  • Focal disinfection of premises;
  • Disinfection measures after a long stay in the corpse.
By | 2020-07-07T08:55:30+06:00 June 26th, 2019|Categories: pest control bd|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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